Denver Water Pipeline Construction – Staging Update

Denver Water Update

September 11, 2020

The snow on Tuesday has had a slight impact on SJ Louis’s restoration schedule and they were unable to complete the seeding over the weekend as planned. They are waiting for the ground to dry out, which should be soon, and will then seed the area. It is my understanding they were hoping to have the fencing complete this week.

Denver Water Contractor Update

August 31, 2020

SJ Louis is  working on restoration in the easement the first week of September. They are preparing to seed the area and have fence crews coming mid-week to install split rail fence at Easley, which should stop people from driving down the easement after hours. In addition to restoration activities, equipment haul-off is ongoing.

Denver Water Staging Update

August 10, 2020

Dear Members of the Trails HOA,

Thank you for reaching out and expressing your concerns. Because of the complexity and importance of the infrastructure behind your homes, the project there has required more work than in most areas along its nearly nine-mile stretch. I know it has been aggravating to have construction activity in the area for so long. I and others from Denver Water have been working with our contractor, SJ Louis, to see if there are ways they can mitigate your concerns and still complete the work they need to in the area. Also, as you know from your most recent email, the project superintendent for SJ Louis, Tim Sink, and owner’s representative, Lilly Pierce, met with Bob Mallow last Friday to discuss your concerns and have relayed that information to us.

In regard to using the easement as a staging area, while we understand their use of this area has been difficult, they have stayed within the bounds of the agreement and have not been using this area as a staging area for the entire project. However, because of the length of time the staging area has remained active, we’ve asked that they move the spoils and materials further away from homes to decrease disturbances.  SJ Louis will also be speaking with their subcontractors about reducing speed while in the area in order to minimize the dust and noise.

Denver Water expect SJ Louis to be out of the area by mid-September, barring any significant issues with weather, COVID-19 impacts on worker availability or an unforeseen urgency in another section of the project. Once project work is complete, SJ Louis will restore the area to previous condition as stipulated in the easement agreement. To help ensure you know the latest about work going on in the section behind your homes, I will get weekly progress updates from Tim/Lilly pass them along to Bob to share with you. That way, you will know what I know.

Finally, in order to ensure consistency of information and so I can deal with question and concerns efficiently, moving forward all communication will go through Bob Mallow as president of the HOA. While I appreciated hearing from so many of you individually, managing a dozen separate communications impacts how quickly I can respond to everyone and ensure that everyone gets the most accurate information. Please send all questions and concerns to him and I will reply through him.

With best regards,

Ashley Denault | Community Relations Senior Specialist
Denver Water |