2013 January Meeting Minutes

January 12, 2013


Ken P, Terry H, Neil H, Bob M,  Jeff F, Ken M, Geoff V, Binny H, Dave H, John A, Ed S, Peggy S, Michele D, Cindi P, Susan S, Larry S, Henry G, Wanda G, Gail H

Minutes Approval

  1. Budget was approved
  2. Dog cleanup stations
  3. Dues increased 10%
  4. Susan Tinsdal Easement (Land above The Trails)
  5. Homeowner request to work in garage
  6. Trailer complaint
  7. A motion was made to accept the November minutes
  8. A second was made, vote taken, and approved


  1. No comments about increase to dues
  2. Added trees and dog cleanup stations to budget
  3. There is a carry forward on trash since final 2012 bill has not been received  from WM
  4. 2 dumpsters from spring placed under cleanup
  5. 2 dumpsters from fall coded under trash
  6. Leave professional fees at $600
  7. Agreed to increase 2013 trash fees to $16,000
  8. A small discussion was had regarding the possibility to have special assessment to cover increased operating  and unforeseen costs
  9. John Andrews asked if and why we were considering the special assessment

Old Business

  1. Property Above The Trails
    1. Sold 15 acres
    2. Only need access from 53rd now due to number of lots
    3. Will only be divided into 4 lots
    4. Bridge will be removed by the Denver Water Board
    5. Owner will not build a house there now.

New Business

  1. Sheriff Update
    1. Susan informed us that we have a new Liasan to the Sherrif’s department
    2. The contact name is Daryl Hoffman
    3. Michele will place his information on the web site
  2. Homeowner Calls to Cindy P
    1. We will direct them to the web site going forward
    2. Request that they come to the next board meeting
  3. Trailer Issue (Virgil)
    1. Originally two trailers were parked in front of housed on Virgil
    2. Emails were sent to the homeowners
    3. One trailer was moved
    4. Bob to speak with the homeowner on 59th
  4. Play Set Complaint
    1. Scott complained that their new neighbor placed a play set in a bad location and it is too big
    2. The play set is located at the house previously owned by the Wells
    3. Board members have reviewed the installation
    4. Members agree that is meets the requirements of the neighborhood
    5. A motion was made to respond to Scott via mail
    6. A second was made, a vote was taken, and approved
  5. Commercial Vehicle Complaint
    1. A complaint was made regarding the parking of commercial vehicles in front of houses
    2. The issue has been deferred to the next board meeting
  6. New Board Nomination Discussion
    1. It was stated that the four officers on the board are the president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer
    2. Interest from the existing board members to continue: Ken P, Terry H, Henry G, Neil H, Ken M, Geoff F, Michelle D, Cindy P, Bob M, Susan S.
    3. Interest to join the board was made by Binny H and John A
    4. Alternate member requests from Alice G, Peggy S, Gail H, and Wanda G were made
    5. A motion was made to keep Cindy P as Treasurer and Michelle D as web manager.
    6. A motion was made to have a total of 11 members on the board including the 4 officers
    7. A second was made to approve the treasurer, web manager, board member quantity, and requests to be on the board. A vote was taken and approved
  7. Future Meetings
    1. Meeting plans were set to the 3rd Wednesday of each month
    2. The next meeting will be held February 20th
      1. Meeting at Ken Manley’s if possible
      2. 2nd Option – Ken Parrott’s
    3. A quarum was defined as 5 board members
    4. There is not a requirement for an officer

Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting:

  1. February 20th – Manley’s

Meeting Adjourned